Homebrews and Dragons

An amalgamation of playtested Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition homebrew content.

About the Authour

Name: AelarTassarion the Eladrin Eldritch Knight


Having only been playing Dungeons and Dragons for around 14 months, I fell quickly and heavily in love with the freedom and boundless possibilities of the age old tabletop RPG. Not even two months into my first campaign I was researching homebrews I could make and testing the boundaries of what is possible in D&D.

This blog is a collection of my various homebrews across classes, races, class variants, game mechanics, and one-shots. One-shots have been played and tested all the way through, and class and racial homebrews have undergone in game and simulated testing for balance and mechanical soundness.

Feel free to use my content in your private games and campaigns, and feel free to run my one-shots. If you make changes and wish to share them publicly, please contact me first or ensure you give proper credit to me and link directly to this blog. Do not repost my content without credit or attempt to sell my content for your own profit. If you wish to make a business deal to distribute my content through your store or website, feel free to contact me to make a possible arrangement.

Additionally, if you wish to provide art for homebrews you love, AMAZING!