Homebrews and Dragons

An amalgamation of playtested Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition homebrew content.

Voldrin Traris

Voldrin’s Past

Voldrin Traris is a 317 year old Eladrin Monster Hunter (Fighter variant). Currently adventuring through a Gothic-steampunk world with a Dwarf-Earth Genasi named Vindel, a spirited young Bard named Maggie, and a mysterious and aloof dragonborn Sorcerer named Bazquemelia. Raised by his uncle after terrible abuse from his father, Voldrin lived alongside his younger cousin Theren, the two forming a close and brotherly bond despite nearly 80 years separating them. Voldrin grew a painful disdain for monsters… literal or metaphorical. Rather than hide at the sight or sound of the abuse of power, Voldrin rose up against those who would bring harm to others.

Art by warlocklord via Fiverr.com

During his younger years, he trained with swords daily alongside his cousin, perfecting the art of the sword over nearly 180 years of his childhood. It was on his 190th birthday that a dire wolf sprung upon the family during an outing, ripping out the throat of his beloved auntie before any of them could react. Voldrin drew a blade and fought back the wolf with his uncle, an accomplished wizard, and from that day Voldrin found his calling.

After leaving home, he began to make a name for himself in the region, taking contracts to rid farms, homesteads, and open land of monsters and beasts that might threaten civilian life. But people are cruel, and the lacking gratitude Voldrin received from his contractors began to sour his personality. Voldrin’s work became more about the money than helping others or saving lives. He found more joy in the thrill of the hunt and the reaping of rewards than he did in helping others. For the next 97 years, Voldrin continued to rake in gold and rid the land of the monsters that would threaten it, sometimes even those that didn’t.

Voldrin Now

After many years of lonesome, semi-brooding monster hunting, Voldrin was contracted to hunt down a group of ghouls that had been stealing bodies from a nearby cemetery. It was there that Voldrin was introduced to the stout earth genasi Vindel and his companion Maggie, a half-elven bard. Perturbed by the prospect of working with a party, Voldrin reluctantly continued with his contract. After an adventure deep into the depths of the world and encountering a mad necromancer who was sentenced to prison, Voldrin took a liking to the duo he had joined. The gratitude given by his new comrades following battle, and the sincere thanks given to him by the townsfolk who hired him rekindled Voldrin’s love for helping others over earning money and making a kill.

After travelling to an underwater city and saving a town from the clutches of a violent curse, Voldrin found true friends in his companions. It was after a few months of adventuring together when the group parted momentarily following a particularly harrowing experience one would prefer not to repeat. It was during this separation when Voldrin was called to destroy a demon that has began terrorising local towns after many years of remaining docile. Not wanting to go alone, and his new friends otherwise occupied, Voldrin requested the aid of his accomplished younger cousin, who since childhood had made himself into somewhat of a gilded mercenary and masterful eldritch knight. The two traveled to this demon and there they both fought it to an total standstill after many hours of violent battle.shadowdemon

Spells and powers exhausted by fatigue, the three combatants halted their battle. The demon not wanting to have its existence ended, and the two pseudo-brothers not wanted to allow it to continue its rampage brokered a deal. With Theren’s extensive knowledge of the arcane, it was decreed that Voldrin and this creature whose name was discovered to be Xirxllihr would bind their souls as one. This creature would take on the emotions and memories of Voldrin while Voldrin would become a vessel for its power.

Theren told Voldrin that one would now consider him a Warlock, a person who has gained power through a deal with a higher entity. Voldrin, having gained new knowledge and power returned to his band of new companions… and he and Xirxllihr now journey this world together.